/* Copyright (c) 2000 Data Visualization Research Lab, // Center for Coastal and Ocean Mapping, // University of New Hampshire. All rights reserved. // http://www.ccom.unh.edu/vislab // Not to be copied or distributed without written agreement. // Contact: colinw@cisunix.unh.edu or roland@ccom.unh.edu */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ // GutmExtern.idl /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #ifndef __UNH_CCOM_GUTMEXTERN_IDL__ #define __UNH_CCOM_GUTMEXTERN_IDL__ #include "GeoZui3D.idl" module UNH_CCOM { struct GutmData { #ifdef NO_CORBA float *dem; unsigned short *startline; unsigned short *endline; #else sequence dem; sequence startline; sequence endline; #endif unsigned short xcount; unsigned short ycount; float cellsize; Point3F GeoRefPoint; }; interface GutmExtern { #ifdef NO_CORBA public: #endif void CreateGutm(in GutmData gd); }; }; #endif