USGS - science for a changing world

USGS Coastal and Marine Hazards and Resources Program

Documentation of the U.S. Geological Survey Oceanographic Time-Series Measurement Database

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A wide range of instruments can be employed to measure current speed and direction; water temperature, conductivity, and depth; turbidity and suspended sediment concentrations; wave characteristics; near-bottom turbulence; and sea-floor topography in the coastal ocean. The measurement resolution and accuracy depends on the sensor deployed; consult the manufacturer’s specification as needed. Most of the instruments deployed are powered by batteries, though in a few cases power is supplied externally. Data are always logged internally during a deployment, but telemetry may also be used to recover data in near real time.

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Current Velocity and Wave Measurements:

Vector-averaging current meter (VACM)
Vector-measuring current meter (VMCM)
Nobska benthic acoustic stress sensor (BASS)
Nobska modular acoustic velocity sensor (MAVS)
Teledyne RD Instruments acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP) and Sentinel V
Nortek Aquadopp and high-resolution Aquadopp (Aquadopp HR)
Nortek acoustic wave and current profiler (AWAC)
Nortek Vector
SonTek Argonaut-XR acoustic Doppler profiler (ADP)
SonTek pulse-coherent acoustic Doppler profiler (PCADP)
SonTek acoustic Doppler velocimeter (ADV)
SonTek IQ flow monitor

Water quality measurements

Sea-Bird SeaCAT
Sea-Bird MicroCAT
YSI 6600 Sonde and EXO
Satlantic ISUS

Turbidity measurements

Aquatec acoustic backscatter sensor system (ABSS)
Sequoia laser in situ scattering and transmissometry (LISST)
D & A optical backscatter sensor (OBS)
C-Star transmissometer

Pressure measurements

Paroscientific Digiquartz

Pressure-based wave loggers

Sea-Bird Seagauge
RBR D|wave
Onset HOBO wave logger


Imagenex profiling and imaging sonars

Atmospheric measurements

Onset HOBO weather station
Down East buoy-mounted weather station

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