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Woods Hole Coastal and Marine Science Center > U.S. Geological Survey East-Coast Sediment Texture Database > Software

U.S. Geological Survey East-Coast Sediment Texture Database


Measures that describe and summarize sediment grain-size distributions are important to geologists because of the large amount of information contained in textural data sets. Statistical methods and classification schemes are usually employed to simplify the necessary comparisons among samples and quantify the observed differences. The programs SEDCLASS, GSSTAT, and SEDPLOT were written and compiled in Visual BASIC to run under Windows XP/7; the program CENTRISET was written in Just BASIC. These programs provide a window to facilitate program execution, accept input files in comma-delimited ASCII format, and allow users to select options primarily through mouse clicks or interactive dialogue boxes. Selecting the highlighted program name displayed after the word “Download” will link the user to an archive of ZIP files containing the software. Each compressed ZIP file contains detailed program documentation, test files, a readme file containing instructions, and two directories. One directory contains the software code; the other directory contains the compiled software and installation package.

SEDCLASS — This program generates verbal equivalents for characterizing grain-size distributions. Input for the sediment fractions is percentages of gravel, sand, silt, and clay in the Wentworth (1922) grade scale, and the program permits the user to select output in either the Shepard (1954) classification scheme, as modified by Schlee (1973), or the Folk scheme (1954, 1974).
For more information on SEDCLASS, please refer to the following publication:
Poppe, L.J., Eliason, A.H., and Hastings, M.E., 2003, A Visual Basic program to classify sediments based on gravel-sand-silt-clay ratios: Computers and Geosciences, v. 29, no. 6, p. 805-809.

GSSTAT -This program generates statistics to characterize sediment grain-size distributions and can extrapolate the fine-grained end of these particle distributions. Input for the sediment fractions is weight percentages in whole-phi notation, and the program permits the user to select output in either method of moments (Krumbein and Pettijohn, 1938) or inclusive graphics (Folk, 1974) statistics.
Download GSSTAT
For more information on GSSTAT, please refer to the following publication:
Poppe, L.J., Eliason, A.H., and Hastings, M.E., 2004, A Visual Basic program to generate sediment grain-size statistics and to extrapolate particle distributions: Computers and Geosciences, v. 30, no. 7, p. 791-795.

SEDPLOT -This program generates ternary diagrams to characterize and graphically display sediment grain-size distributions. The inputs for the sediment fractions are percentages of gravel, sand, silt, and clay in the Wentworth (1922) grade scale, and the program permits the user to select output in either the Shepard (1954) classification scheme, as modified by Schlee (1973), or the Folk (1954, 1974) scheme.
Download SEDPLOT
For more information on SEDPLOT, please refer to the following publication:
Poppe, L.J. and Eliason, A.E., 2008, A Visual Basic program to plot sediment grain-size data on ternary diagrams: Computers and Geosciences, v. 34, p. 561-565.

CENTRISET This program, which was written in Basic to run under Windows 98/2000/XP operating systems, computes settling velocity on the basis of Stokes Law for gravitational procedures and computes angular velocity or total time for settling specific particles from a given medium by centrifuge.
For more information on CENTRISET, please refer to the following publication:
Poppe, L.J., and Eliason, A.E., 2009, A BASIC program to calculate gravitational and centrifugal parameters: Geological Society of America, v. 41, no.3, 21.

GRAINSIZE_XLS –This Microsoft Excel spreadsheet generates normalized distributions by combining data from the gravel, sand, silt, and clay fractions obtained during typical sediment grain-size analyses.

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